Hey, is there anyone interested in learning Chinese in Taiwan? Anyone wanna having special Chinese courses?
After traveling to many countires during the past four years, my sister and I are planning a special Chinese language camp in Taiwan for non-chinese speakers, for the people who are interested in Chinese but zero at it.
Different from other traditional Chinese camp, we won't have the courses in one certain classroom but all around Taiwan. That is, we'll teach you Chinese by traveling around Taiwan!!
We will teach you Hànyǔ pīnyīn but focus on Bopomofo which every child learns in Taiwan. There are many pīnyīn systems used in Taiwan and most Taiwneses don't know how to use them (in fact, me included), and I believe it's easy to get confused for the pronounciation with English, French, Germany, Spanish and blablabla.
We will teach you how to write Chinese words but we'd like to emphasize the importance of speaking & listening as well as the ablilty to recognizing Chinese words. It's indeed difficult for non-Chinese speaker to write Chinese words, but everyone can do it very well by practicing often at home. What I belive is, if you can express yourself and understand others well, then you'll have happy time in Chinese-speaking countries!!
Our courses will takes about 14 to 16 days, it's quite short for learning a new language but what we want to do is letting you have a basic comprehensive of Chinese and making you interested in learning it for longer time. And we also hope we can introduce the life style of Taiwan and the beautilful secenics in Taiwan to you!!
The sechdule and fee will be released recently, leave you message if you'd like to learn Chineses with us!!